
Monday, February 15, 2021

S-Core firmware 0.98 - minor update

 What's new in v0.98:

  • Improved user feedback on shot request timeouts - I saw Airzone use a brief audible alert when a motor start attempt timed out without reaching speed, and figured this was a good feature to have, so it is there.
  • Miscellaneous fixes and refinements like not accidentally leaving tach input ISRs enabled after they are not needed anymore in certain paths
  • Improve license statement clarity and intent
  • Make overspeed trip less sensitive as iFlight motor options are touchy about throwing false error codes at certain speeds with older settings.
  • Add version with preset 30,000rpm flywheel speed limit for use with 9.0mm flywheels in particular to reach their slightly higher criticality, but really this is more of a paradigm shift, post-presets, of there being no need for a canned "Full" speed setting to exist that is tuned for full velocity operation. Note that 30k is NOT the criticality, necessarily, of even the 9.0mm Hy-Con with any given ammo, so if you use this DON'T just peg it to maximum speed, like classically done with the 25.5k setting! Headroom is left so you can dial in your "full speed" preset (or use the tournament lock, if you prefer) to exactly what is getting the highest and most consistent velocity with your ammo. For even the 9.0 wheels, this is around 26k.

All S-Core Firmware versions available here

Obviously I am rapidly approaching S-Core v1.00, and for that I have some corresponding plans. Despite all the sophistication surrounding, perhaps the most... core portions of the S-Core codebase dealing with feeding date to when Project T19 was a quick and dirty 2017 flywheel system testbed blaster. That code works, but is so in need of some further closing of loops and smarts. The belt-fed is already there on how the bolt management and automatic restrike now works.

Wednesday, February 10, 2021